Sub.FM Radio Show – 19 Dec 2020
So I did it. I went digging and found a bunch of old tunes for you. The mixing was…. meh. Just enjoy the sounds of yesteryear. Even my mic gave up for this one. Had to resort to using an [...]
So I did it. I went digging and found a bunch of old tunes for you. The mixing was…. meh. Just enjoy the sounds of yesteryear. Even my mic gave up for this one. Had to resort to using an [...]
Got a little live recording for you. This one is from when I spun some riddims for UKG Spot back in February. There was absolute vibes in the place and I had mad fun playing there. Anthems inside [...]
OH YEAH! I GOT ANOTHER MIX FOR YOU! I did a cover show last week that I filled with 100% vinyl classics. A proper UKG Feast. In anticipation for this Friday, I thought I’d upload it. 27th [...]
So this is my Christmas show. I played some new bits, I played some old bits. All in all, it was about as festive as a real life crucifixion. But, eh, so what? Merry Christmas one and all. Hope [...]
So I caught a cover show on Sub.FM just before Christmas, and let me tell you: it was a doozy. Full blown vinyl rinse out. No talking, just riddos. Definitely one for the car. Enjoy. B Listen on [...]
So approximately 6 years after the last episode, the Gashtastic series gets an update with an old school rinse out. I had a bag full of music I’d picked out for going to Nottingham with [...]
So you may have caught the original mix known as Tarra’s Mix. This is a old school rinse out with all the tracks chosen by someone I’ve known since school, my friend (you’ve [...]
Little mix for y’all. Last year I was kindly invited to visit the lovely sandstone-laden city of Bern in Switzerland by the good people at Lüdi and Zahnd. They were having a little shindig to [...]
Merry Christmas! For my Xmas special this year I went with an Old School garage rinse out. Not much to be said as you should know what to expect. Savage old school across all the eras that get [...]
I promised a flashback episode, so here’s one, and it’s a doozy. Here’s a mix I did about 7 years ago now. It was around the time that garage had gotten shit and was just on the [...]